Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Meditation

Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Meditation
Abundance Mindset
Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Meditation

Jun 17 2022 | 00:26:25

Episode 4 June 17, 2022 00:26:25

Show Notes

Healing Generational Blocks & Old Mindsets Around Abundance and Financial Security

The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Meditation & Mindful Intention for Bills, Debts, and Obligations.

Did you know that you can inherit your financial mindset and how you view money and finances?

Your beautiful eyes aren’t the only genetic trait that is passed on. No one talks about this generational mindset, but there is a lot to be learned from taking a look back.

If you are someone who has struggled with abundance, this may be something you want to look into clearing. Your Generational Financial Blueprint is inherited from your ancestors, even as far back as 3-5 generations before you.

These patterns might include negative or self-destructive thought patterns, feelings, and emotions, like fear or worry, or even patterns of failure. This could also manifest as a lack mentality.

One way to manage generational influences is to be the Phoenix rising from the ashes, which is exactly what this meditation is all about.

While financial trauma may not seem as important as something like a health crisis, the fact is that dealing with money and finances is extremely traumatizing if you don’t have enough money to comfortably manage your life.

In this session, you get an opportunity to examine your book of life, which has all of your debts and financial obligations, including generational ideas that may have been passed on. You will also be able to choose which pages you would like to burn so you can transmute the energy into something much more positive, like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes.

Mindful Intention for the Bills, Debts, and Obligations.

I bless all my bills, debts, or loans today. I bless any and all financial obligations I may have. I can now see this is proof positive that the universe has faith that I can easily and effortlessly pay these obligations off. I thank the universe for all the creative and sublime ways we will instantly pay off all my debts in beautiful divine order! I bless any and all negative feelings or stress or anxiety I may feel about any of these financial obligations. I bless my ability to live and support myself in an abundant, self-sufficient prosperous way. I am now releasing all limiting beliefs about money and wealth and my ability to pay off debt and create a limitless resource and flow of money. I trust that I will always use my wealth and prosperity to make the world a better place. I know I deserve great wealth and abundance – and I shall have it. I send love to myself and all the beautiful new opportunities already coming my way! Thank you!

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