Tap into a Multitude of Possibilities

Tap into a Multitude of Possibilities
Abundance Mindset
Tap into a Multitude of Possibilities

Jul 15 2022 | 00:20:24

Episode 9 July 15, 2022 00:20:24

Show Notes

Tap into the Multitude of Possibilities for Your Greatest Health, Happiness, Abundance, Prosperity & Success with the Meditation & Mindful Intention for the Divine Order in the Infiniverse.

Do you believe there is an invisible divine order behind everything you do? If so, the universe, or as we like to call it, the Infiniverse, could be arranging a multitude of possibilities for your greatest health, happiness, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and success. If you give up now, you’ll never see those dreams manifest. Every day gives us another wonderful opportunity to succeed. There really is no such thing as failure. Failure is simply a learning opportunity.

Today’s meditation is all about learning how to look within and trusting in the divine flow in the Universe. The more you look within, the more you will discover.

Mindful Intention for the Divine Order in the Infiniverse

I bless the divine order in the Infiniverse today! I know there is an invisible divine order behind everything – especially when it comes to abundance, success, wealth, prosperity, and financial freedom. I bless this divine order in my life that is constantly arranging a multitude of possibilities for my greatest health, happiness, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and success! I bless my ability to make a difference in the world through my creative gifts, talents, and abilities. What I have to offer the world is vitally important for humanity’s growth and evolution. I bless this divine order for its ability to gently redirect me when I stray off course. I look for and expect this divine order and this invisible power to guide me like an internal navigation system. I know when I bless the world around me, I lovingly release one of my most important powers – the ability to manifest a miracle for me, through me, and as me. Thank you for this exquisite blessing. I am deeply grateful. 

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