Why Gratitude Matters

Why Gratitude Matters
Abundance Mindset
Why Gratitude Matters

Jun 29 2022 | 00:13:22

Episode 7 June 29, 2022 00:13:22

Show Notes

Why Gratitude Matters: How the Simple Practice of Gratitude Can Help You Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

According to Psychologists, feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health, especially when you practice gratitude over time.

Gratitude may also help reduce stress. People who are grateful feel less pain, less stress, tend to sleep better and they may even have stronger immune systems. Gratitude can also help you build healthier relationships, and also help you build a prosperity and abundance consciousness.

This can even help people who are already struggling with mental health problems. Studies show that practicing gratitude curbs the use of words expressing negative emotions and shifts inner attention away from such negative emotions as resentment and envy, minimizing the possibility of ruminating, which is a hallmark of depression.

Mindful Intention for the Gratitude for Money.

I am blessed and grateful for the money, wealth, and abundance I already have and for the money, wealth, and abundance I am attracting into my life. I am open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life. I am grateful I always have more than enough of everything I need. Thank you, thank you. Today I expand my awareness of the abundance all around me. I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways. My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire. Prosperity, wealth, and abundance surrounds me, fills me, and flows to me and through me. I exude this beautiful infinite energy. I am prosperous. I am grateful. I am abundant. I am always led to the people who need what I have to offer. As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth. My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance, and love and for that I am grateful.

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