The Temple Gardens

The Temple Gardens
Abundance Mindset
The Temple Gardens

Sep 23 2022 | 00:21:18

Episode 17 September 23, 2022 00:21:18

Show Notes

Deep in the forest, hidden from the world, a wise old sage rests quietly in the gardens that encircle an ancient temple. His eyes closed, he plays a wooden flute as wind chimes sway gently in the breeze. The Temple Gardens captures the feeling of this magical place.

This awe-inspiring meditation is set to the lovely music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke’s The Temple Garden. If you are ready to travel to your own private oasis, you are going to love this meditation that can help you relax and tune into your prosperity mindset.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is by far one of the simplest things you can do to change your money mindset. It starts with you and your thoughts.

Many of us struggle when it comes to feeling wealthy and abundant. We might even have issues around entitlement or poverty or concerns about the economy. By cleaning up our attitudes around money, we can open up and begin receiving the blessings of prosperity that exists in abundance.

The Temple Gardens is a beautiful serene meditation that can help you tune into your prosperity mindset and best self. Set to the inspiring music of Christopher Lloyd Clark’s Temple Gardens, this meditation is soothing and uplifting. This meditation also contains the Blessism for a Prosperity Mindset.

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